Business Week published a recent study by Professor of Psychology, Drew Weeks, of University of Utah.  The study involved 20 experienced texters between the ages of 19-23 in a driving simulator. “The result: drivers who were were texting were six times more likely to be involved in a ‘virtual car crash’ than those who were concentrating on just driving.  Texting seems to raise the danger factor for drivers more than talking on a cell phone, the reserachers noted.”

While talking on a cell phone, “drivers’ apparently attempt to divide attention between a phone conversation and driving, adjusting the processing priority of the two activites, depending on task demands,” wrote weeks.

Weeks found that drivers’ median reaction tion increased by 9 percent while they were on a cell phone, vs. 30 percent while texting, compared with the driving-only condition.  At the same time, the ‘minimum following distance’ between themselves and the virutal car ahead shrank.”

Sadly texting related car accident statistics are rising around the United States.  In our opinion it;s best to leave texting to an out side the care activity.  West Jordan car accident physician, Dr. Dirk Woodmansee, sees texting accidents regularly in the Midvalley Chiropractic Clinic.  If you or a loved one have been involved in one of these unfortunate texting accdients contact us today to get the help you need.