How many people have you heard say that they are experiencing lower back pain? Statistics show that 3 out of 5 Americans experience lower back pain. This pain can generally attributed to sciatica. So, what is sciatica anyway?
Sciatic pain comes from injury or compression of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve branches off from the lower parts of the spine and into the legs. The resulting symptoms can vary from anything like mild tingling, a burning sensation, to numbness. Pain will usually be felt on one side, in the whole leg, or it can be limited to pain in the calf, heels or, feet, but rarely felt in both legs.
If you or a loved one is experiencing pain of this kind contact the sciatic nerve injury specialist, Dr. Dirk Woodmansee. Dr. Dirk an experienced professional in treating and curing patients with sciatic nerve injuries, and sciatic nerve related pain. But, don’t take our word for it call to make your appointment today and find out for yourself.